Attraction via sustainable site development
Various groups and sectors of society collaborate with each other to collectively address the specific challenges, conditions, and needs of the location.
Visit Värmland focuses on the tourism industry and the attraction off Värmland. Our asset is our businesses, associations, organizations, and municipalities working together to strengthen and develop the tourism industry and through tourism make Värmland a better place to live and visit. By creating meeting points and platforms for Värmland tourism industry, we enable new business opportunities, collaborations, and foster growth.
Prominent businesses
Branäs, Naturbyn, Mårbacka, Karlstad CCC, Wermland Opera, Happie Camp

"Our vision is vibrant forests that are protected, cared for and made accessible to people"
"We want to contribute to creating a socially, economically, and ecologically sustainable multi-use of forests and land. The vision is vibrant forests that are protected, cared for, and made accessible to people, allowing them to experience and enjoy nature in a simple and safe way. Here in Värmland, we actively participate in several creative networks and value open dialogue and collaboration with cluster organizations, municipalities, Visit Värmland, and other entrepreneurs."