Forest bioeconomy
Our region is rich in forests – and we have learned to make use of it. The availability of raw materials, combined with long experience and strong innovative power, gives us a unique position globally. In the necessary shift to a fossil-free society, we have the opportunity to take the lead. The forest actually belongs to the future.
Did you know that 70 percent of Sweden's area consists of forest land, and 80 percent of it is actively used? However, only one percent is harvested each year. About 70,000 people in Sweden are directly employed in the forestry industry and Sweden is the world's fifth largest exporter of pulp, paper and sawn timber.
In Värmland the bioeconomy produces wood for building and pulp for paper fibers, having some of the world’s largest producers of packaging and the smartest prefab buildings in wood. Most of the investments and innovations goes into replacing co2 intensive products such as plastics, steel, and concrete with biobased materials. We make sure that as little as possible that nature produces is wasted and on top of that we make plant more trees than what we harvest.
There are excellent testing facilities in Värmland, all with different focus areas, such as 3D printing and food packaging.
A world leading cluster
Paper Province is a world-leading business cluster within the forest bioeconomy. They are owned and operated by more than 120 member companies, based in Karlstad but connected world wide.
Prominent businesses
Stora Enso, Billerud, Nordic Paper, Hejmas, Blue Ocean Closures, Wood Tube

Blue Ocean Closures changes the world with wood fiber-based screw caps
“The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. We’ve been told that our screw caps match or even surpass the functionality of their plastic counterparts, especially in terms of torque performance. For the global brands we collaborate with, functionality is non-negotiable. Säffle’s long-standing tradition in fiber product manufacturing and the investment support we received through Region Värmland were decisive factors. The local talent pool, especially skilled operators and engineers with backgrounds in the pulp and paper industry, has been a tremendous asset.”