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The Schyst method

Schyst is a method built on continuous learning. Like many other things, the best result comes when everyone works in the same direction. By helping each other, keeping your eyes open, and remind each other, the understanding and a change for the better has begun. See, think, do, learn, and encourage each other in a fair way!

The Schyst Method


Person funderar.

The Schyst Method is built on an understanding of norms and how they work. When you have identified what norms that exist in a certain context, you can see which change is possible to make. Informed choices that guide you in the right direction can be made once we understand that.


Person placerar postit på tavla.

You now understand how norms work and you are aware of the power-based order they lead to. It is time to take responsibility and start using your new knowledge. How do you communicate with each other at work, for example? What activities are you planning? What does the marketing look like? By reflecting before acting, the risk of stereotypical misses is reduced.


Personer diskuterar riktlinjer.

By planning your communication and looking at the organisation with a norm-critical perspective leads to the prerequisites of doing right more often. Establish new routines and utilise the tools that suit your position and task. Checklists for communication, discussion exercises, guiding principles for recruitments, or a reminder for meetings are of valuable support in your work.


Hand staplar klossar med kryss och bock.

Making mistakes or missteps is human. The important thing is to learn from your experiences and keep moving forward. With new insights, the understanding for more perspectives and the knowledge of the needs of others are increased. Hopefully, you will not make the same mistake again. The result will be a more fair communication, a more fair workplace, and more fair future prospects – which everyone benefits from.


En person hissas i luften av andra.

Doing decent things and being fair is a conscious choice. Do you want to hold up the solution or be a part of it? Make up your mind – and begin! Do it together and do not forget why you want this: to make everyone thrive, to increase profitability, to evolve. It is okay to do the wrong thing, because we learn from our mistakes. Praise each other when things go well and celebrate victories along the way. Things will be more fun and better by it. Shaming and lectures do not work in other contexts, why would they work here?

Tools to get started or keep going

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